The Lightback Zebra Finch
© 1977 Poule d'eau Publishing
The Lightback Zebra originated in Germany in the mid 1950's. They were first seen in England in the early 1970's, and to my knowledge, they first appeared in the US in 1982 when I imported them directly from Germany. Lightbacks are truly among the most attractive of all zebra mutations, and definitely in my "Top 10." Lightbacks have a dilute upper body color and all of the underparts such as the breast and vent region are immaculately white. The tail coverts have bright white markings rather than buff in both sexes. Males have distinct bright cream cheek patches and flanking making this mutation especially attractive. While the body color and cheek patches are diluted, the black pigmented areas such as breast bar and tail are never diluted but are fully black. This is a sex-linked mutation and on the same region of the chromosome as the CFW. When Lightbacks and CFW's are interbred, either Lightbacks or CFW's are produced, no normal are produced. Lightbacks are often used to improve the color in Chestnut Flank Whites. The Lightback mutation is often seen in shows, and they are among some of the nicest exhibition Zebras. The German Lightbacks I acquired are without a doubt among the largest zebras I have ever seen.
Lightback Silver and Lightback Cream Zebra Finches
Lightback Silvers and Lightback Creams are certainly some of the most striking of all zebras. The Lightback Dominant Silver has the sharp contrast of having a very pale body but retaining bold black markings elsewhere. I have produced this variety on several occasions, and they are quite attractive, however photos I have seen of Ligthback Silvers from Europe appear to be even more specatular than those I produced. The Lightback does offer the potential to produce some very interesting combinations. I have produced the following types of Lightbacks.
For information on Lightback and Black Cheek Zebra Finches I have for sale write to me